Cool, relatively cheap, collectible cars from Pebble Beach

Not all the cars at the premier collector car gathering sell for huge amounts.

1990 VW Vanagon GL Westfalia Syncro

pebble beach cheap cars vw syncro
  • Auctioneers: Mecum

This is an update, and then some, on the old Microbus.

This much later all-wheel-drive version of the Vanagon was sold in very limited numbers for only a few years. The list of added features designed to appeal to outdoor enthusiasts included a pop up roof, refrigerator, sink, and stove.

Auctioneers at Mecum estimate that it will sell for between $30,000 and $40,000. Syncros can go just about anywhere, as long as you can keep them running. According to experts at Hagerty Insurance, they can be tricky and expensive to keep in operation.

  @peterdrives - Last updated August 13 2013 06:00 AM ET

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