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Stuck in a part-time job

Americans are working fewer hours, partly due to the rise in part-time jobs. These people want full-time work, but can only find part-time gigs.

'I left the United States'

  • Name: Andre Issaian

I've been looking for a decent job since 2008 to support myself and have a place to sleep, get married and pay bills.

I accepted eight part-time and temp jobs, at the same time trying to update my skills and professional knowledge. I attended the University of Phoenix and got my Bachelors of Science for business administration, got licenses in health and life insurance and property and casualty insurance, and received a tax accounting certificate from California.

In the end, I left the United States and returned to Iran after 25 years, promising myself to never return to America. Currently I am attending a training school in Tehran to become an English instructor.

  @hargreavesCNN - Last updated September 03 2013 03:55 PM ET

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