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Celebrities' unclaimed money

Barack Obama. Mark Zuckerberg. Lindsay Lohan. These celebrities are missing out on hundreds -- and in some cases, thousands -- of dollars in paychecks, stocks and other payments that have been forfeited to the states.

Sergey Brin is missing: $1,339

celebrities unclaimed money sergey brin

The Google (GOOG) co-founder apparently forgot to cash in on $1,184 from Stanford University, where he was a PhD student in computer science in the late '90s, according to six state listings in Brin's name courtesy of "Google Inc." Brin taught a data mining course at the university in the fall of 1998, according to a Stanford website.

Also being held by the state of California are $9.53 in unclaimed New York Times (NYT) stock dividends listed in Brin's name at "165 University Ave.," a building famous for being home to Google and PayPal in their early years.

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He is also owed $145.79 in cash from T-Mobile (DTEGF), according to a listing under Brin's name with an address from Google's current Mountain View, Calif. campus.

Source: California state unclaimed property database
  @melhicken - Last updated March 06 2013 05:34 PM ET

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