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How I found a job after graduation

These seven recent college grads bucked employment trends and landed great jobs after graduation. Here's how they did it.

Mentors are irreplaceable

college jobs jonathan lightner

Jonathan Lightner, 22
College: McDaniel College
Degree: Bachelors in Psychology
Current job: Health Educator & Co-Advisor for the HiTops Teen Council in Princeton, N.J.

How I got my job: My mentor, Deborah Roffman, helped me out. I gave her my resume and she sent it out to her listserv.

The educational director of HiTops found it and called me on a Friday afternoon, I was just absolutely ecstatic! Who gets offered a job right out of college, especially in the social-science field? I was so amazingly honored to have them contact me.

During the interview, while they were explaining the job description, I told them these are things I would do for free. It's kind of a dream come true for me right now.

Advice for current students and recent grads: I could not be where I am without [my mentor] Dr. Sara Raley, who is one of my professors. She told me that employers are looking for professional experience. She pushed me when I didn't have enough confidence, and brought me back when I had too much.

  @ANJ0817 - Last updated June 20 2013 01:50 PM ET

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