Which social network is best for your business?

Almost 75% of small businesses use social media, but do they use it correctly? Here's a rundown of the top 6 sites and how best to use them.


small business social youtube

What it is: Google's video-sharing site, which has more than 1 billion unique visitors each month.

Best business use: Building credibility by showcasing your knowledge and skills.

Who should use it: Everyone. Financial advisers, lawyers, and marketing professionals can record themselves offering valuable tips; advertising firms can display their creativity.

How to maximize your reach: Make a list of the 10 most frequently asked questions in your industry and film yourself answering them. Think of "the same kind of queries that people sit down to Google," said Liz Jostes, co-owner of Eli Rose Social Media. And because YouTube videos show up in Google (GOOG) search results, make sure to optimize the videos with as many keywords as possible.

How not to use it: Don't post long videos -- keep them under a minute and a half, said Jostes. Focus on one question or issue per video to keep your message on track. And don't leave anything blank: "Add your company URL and links to all your other social media accounts to your YouTube Channel," said Jostes.

  @CNNMoney - Last updated October 30 2013 03:39 PM ET

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