The Hot 100
Check out our annual ranking of corporate America's supercharged performers. And if you doubt the Internet is back, look who's No. 1.

(FORTUNE Magazine) – OUR FASTEST-GROWING COMPANIES LIST ALways provides a snapshot of the times. This year Internet juggernaut Yahoo leads the pack, riding the online ad boom. You'll also find energy producers thriving on record oil prices; homebuilders and lenders living large on our lust for real estate; and the usual complement of cutting-edge tech companies profiting from innovation. To compute the rankings, we use data from Zacks Investment Research and give equal weight to three factors: profit and sales growth (for three years through the first quarter of 2005) and three-year total return (through June). For additional details, see Now, prepare to be dazzled by some scorching numbers.


N.A. Not available. *The S&P 500 returned 8.3% annually over this period. Owned 75% by Grupo Mexico. Owned 56% by Roche Group, Switzerland.

Owned 81% by Fairfax Financial, Canada.